Hillside Park Update

Hillside Park Update Please watch the video and consider making a gift today! Ready to Pitch in for The Park? Click here to donate!

Results of Poll-Roland Avenue Options

At the July 11th meeting of the Roland Park Civic League Board the following presentation RPCL Poll Results-July, 2018 was shared. Please contact your Plat Rep. with any questions or concerns. Updates will continue to be posted here as further developments occur.

Roland Avenue Options Poll

Roland Ave-Public Comments due July 12th (extension)

Update June 21, 2018-The Roland Park Civic League has successfully advocated for our community and DOT has agreed to extend the feedback deadline for Roland Avenue Safety modifications to July 12, 2018.   Please send your comments to DOT ASAP. DOT-Public Comment-Form-BLANK June 20, 2018 Agenda-Project Approval-Roland Avenue The Baltimore City Department of Transportation (BCDoT) […]

2018 Annual 4th of July Parade

Come help us celebrate in our beloved Annual Roland Park 4th of July Parade now in its 21st year, from 10AM-12Noon on Wednesday, July 4. The parade will start in front of the library with a reading of the Declaration of Independence by Delegate Sandy Rosenberg and some words from our elected officials. Then we […]

Clarification-DoT Meeting Format June 14-Roland Avenue

June 13, 2018 Dear Neighbors, As promised in my communication from earlier today, after speaking with Director Pourciau, I have some updates and clarifications on the meeting format tomorrow evening on Roland Avenue Safety at RPEMS from 6-7:30PM. After signing in, you will be provided with meeting instructions. It will be an open house format with […]

Important Update-June 14 DoT Meeting on Roland Avenue

June 13, 2018 Dear fellow Roland Park residents, Thursday evening June 14th there is an important meeting for our community with DOT regarding the safety and design of Roland Avenue. I encourage all concerned residents to attend, listen intently, and ask questions. DOT has provided a brief format and agenda which includes a time for open discussion while […]

DoT Public Meeting -Roland Avenue Cycle Track – June 14

The Baltimore City Department of Transportation has announced a new Public Meeting on the Roland Avenue Cycle Track to take place on Thursday, June 14th from 6-7:30 at Roland Park Elementary/Middle School, 5207 Roland Avenue. https://transportation.baltimorecity.gov/events/roland-avenue-cycle-track-community-meeting

Civic League meeting June 6th – revised start time

The June meeting of the Roland Park Civic League will be held on Wednesday, June 6th at the North Baltimore Mennonite Church, 4615 Roland Avenue.  The meeting time has been changed to a 7:30PM start due to a conflict with a Roland Park Community Foundation event.

Annual Meeting May 22, 2018-Agenda, Minutes, Policies, Proxies, Slate of Nominees (revised)

Announcement of Civic League Annual Meeting Election of Directors and Officers April 18, 2018 Dear Roland Park Civic League Members and Residents: I am pleased to announce the annual meeting of the general membership of the Roland Park Civic League will take place on Tuesday, May 22, 2018 beginning promptly at 7:00 p.m. in the […]

Roland Ave Traffic Incident Reporting online

At the monthly board meeting of Roland Park Civic League on March 7, 2018 it was agreed to launch online traffic incident reporting for Roland Avenue. Please participate in this effort and share the link with others to facilitate aggregate data collection of past and future traffic incidents, which will be shared with Baltimore City Department of Transportation (BCDOT). Roland Ave […]

Save the Date-May 22, 2018 Annual Membership Meeting

Mark your calendars and plan to attend the annual membership meeting of the Roland Park Civic League on Tuesday evening May 22, 2018 from 7-9PM in the auditorium of the Roland Park Elementary/Middle School, 5207 Roland Avenue. All residents are welcome to attend. Dues paying members are entitled to vote on our nominees for Officers […]

April 12, 2018 BCDOT Presentation on Roland Avenue

The Baltimore City Department of Transportation’s presentation materials on Roland Avenue from the April 12, 2018 public meeting are now available. Additional follow-up is expected at the Annual Membership Meeting on May 22nd. BCDOT-Update-Presentation-4_12_18 BCDOT-Update-Display Boards-4_12_18 For background details see: Roland Avenue Update-BCDoT Letter 1/23/18, Cycle Track Committee    

© Roland Park Civic League