Preserve, Maintain and Improve Green Space in Roland Park

The Roland Park Community Foundation(RPCF) is a non-profit 501c(3) organization established in 1986 to preserve, maintain and improve the parks, streams, squares, trees, and other green spaces in our community.  The mission is to benefit present and future generations of residents and stay true to the Olmsted Brother’s vision for this community.

Hillside Park is Coming!

A new public park is coming to Baltimore City, the first of its size in more than a century.  Learn more about this exciting project led by RPCF, and how to lend your support, here.

Thank you for your support!

Credit/Debit Card

To make a gift to the RPCF’s campaign for Hillside Park using Credit or Debit Card, please click here.  Please use the “My donation is for” dropdown to designate for Hillside Park (BCC Property) or Unrestricted (all RPCF projects).

Checks should be made payable to “Roland Park Community Foundation.”  Please indicate any designation in the check memo.

Roland Park Community Foundation
P.O. Box 16214
Baltimore, MD 21210


To make a gift of stock, contact your broker and let him/her know that you want to contribute to the Roland Park Community Foundation. Your broker will need the following information to complete the transfer:

DTC Eligible Securities
DTC#: 0141
First Clearing LLC
Beneficiary: Roland Park Community Foundation A/C#8505-9510

Please notify of an incoming stock gift.

Pledges may be made over a three-year period. If there is a particular project you would like to contribute to, please note this on the pledge form. If we do not close on the sale, the pledge is null and any funds already paid will be returned at the donor’s request.  Donors may choose a combination of any of the following methods to fulfill commitments to the Open Space Campaign.

Please consider a gift or donation to the purchase of Hillside Park or use the pledge form linked to immediately below.
Pledge – PDF

 Matching Gifts

Many companies will match philanthropic gifts given by employees. The impact of your gift may be doubled or possibly tripled. Some companies also match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses.

Planned Giving

Over the years, many residents have contributed to special campaigns and annual fundraising efforts — both with hard work and financial support. We hope you will consider continuing the legacy of support by designating a gift to the foundation in your estate. Gifts through your estate, which are tax deductible, may be made in any amount and revised over time. The easiest ways to make a gift of this kind are either (a) to create a bequest through your will or (b) to name the foundation as a beneficiary of your retirement plan. Once you have spoken to your lawyer about the bequest, let us know so we may both thank you and include your name in our materials. Contact with questions.


  • completed the $1.5 million restoration of the Roland Water Tower
  • completed Strategic Plan for Upper Stony Run in cooperation with Friends of Stony Run, more details here
  • in partnership with the Chesapeake Bay Trust and The Associated Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore, reclaimed and returned to the Stony Run Trail 17 parking spots formerly part of the overflow lot at the Bolton Street Synagogue
  • renovated the historic Roland Park Firehouse
  • in partnership with Baltimore City, planted close to 100 Japanese Zelkovas down the median of Roland Avenue
  • planted Red Oaks along the sides of Roland Avenue
  • landscaped Centennial Park
  • improved streetscape in the Eddie’s block, donated park bench
  • improved the walking paths of Roland Park
  • contributed to the new playground at Roland Park Elementary/Middle School
  • accepted easements on lots of privately held land in Roland Park

The Roland Park News, a quarterly newsletter, is a project of the RPCF.  It provides information and events to the community.  The Guide to Greater Roland Park is another publication of the Roland Park Community Foundation.

The RPCF hosts neighborhood parties including the Spring Celebration usually held in April.  The Spring Celebration is usually held on a Friday night and is a community gathering of new and old residents.

The Landscape Committee of the Roland Park Community Foundation has been formed to to guide the various Roland Park organizations in
monitoring and maintaining public greenspaces based on, whenever possible, the original Olmsted principles and design.

The Roland Park Community Foundation raises funds through an annual letter of request to the residents.

Current contact information for the Community Foundation can be found on the Contacts Page.

 Officers and Board Members            

Chairman, Mary Page Michel
Treasurer, John Kevin
Secretary, Chris McSherry
Allison Barlow
Robert Connors
Hap Cooper
Elizabeth Drigotas
Bob Hearn
Ian MacFarlane
Clare Miller
Ex-Officio Trustee: Claudia Diamond

© Roland Park Civic League