Hillside Park Update

Hillside Park Update Please watch the video and consider making a gift today! Ready to Pitch in for The Park? Click here to donate!

Coronavirus Resource Page

Welcome to the Roland Park Coronavirus Resource Page This page is provided to inform residents of CDC guidelines and best practices, and to bring local resources to your attention. The intent is to help residents stay safe and reduce exposure to infection during this emergency. The Roland Park Civic League is not providing any medical advice. […]

Roland Park Civic League 2020-2021 Board of Directors Slate

In advance of the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Civic League, the new slate of board nominees and is now available for community review.  Note that the annual meeting will take place via Zoom on Wednesday, May 20th at 7PM (link details to follow).  There will be a vote on the slate, so residents are […]

Organic Debris Removal Service Modified Schedule for 2020

Organic Debris Removal Service MODIFIED SCHEDULE FOR 2020 is ON for JUNE, SEPTEMBER and NOVEMBER. Residents that have paid Civic League dues and full maintenance fees must register by the last day of the prior month. If you have any questions about the service, call the Roland Park Office 410-464-2525. For more details and to […]

50th Anniversary of Earth Day and Tree Planting!

April 22nd is 50th Anniversary of Earth Day Roland Park to celebrate by planting 50 trees In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, let’s plant 50 trees in Roland Park. The Baltimore City Department of Forestry has given the Landscape Committee the trees as part of a program to expand the City’s tree […]

Please consider giving blood! The American Red Cross reminds us the need is constant.

Go to this link and type in your zip code to find locations near you.  It’s that easy! https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/find-drive

Wednesday, April 1st Civic League Meeting is on via Zoom! 7-9PM

Robert Connors, President of The Roland Park Civic League, is inviting you to the April monthly board meeting via  Zoom: Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/952692849?pwd=WlJlYU5IV1pUWm1DYVppcG9sajB0UT09 Meeting ID: 952 692 849Password: 031292 One tap mobile+19292056099,,952692849# US (New York) Dial by your location        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)          Meeting ID: 952 692 849Find your […]

Spring 2020 Roland Park News

Spring 2020 Roland Park News

Message about the Organic Debris Removal Service

In this letter Civic League President Bob Connors outlines changes to the Organic Debris Program for 2020: https://rolandpark.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Organic-Debris-Program-2020-9.pdf

Civic League President’s Opening Remarks from February 5th Meeting

  For those residents that were unable to attend the monthly Roland Park Civic League Board Meeting Wednesday evening (February 5, 2020), we are posting the opening remarks of the Civic League President,  which include our initial response to the racial incident last month in collaboration with our community partners. Opening Remarks for February 5

Message about February 7th Community Event

The greater Roland Park community is invited to join a rally this Friday, February 7th organized by Roland Park Elementary/Middle School families to show support for all children in our neighborhood. Everyone is welcome to participate, and wear shirts or bring signs of inclusion if you would like to. The rally will begin at 7:30a.m. […]

© Roland Park Civic League