Hillside Park Update

Hillside Park Update Please watch the video and consider making a gift today! Ready to Pitch in for The Park? Click here to donate!

Free Trees for Spring Planting

Roland Park Residents: It is time for Spring 2018 tree planting. If you are a Roland Park Resident who pays full fees and dues and are up-to-date with your dues, you may apply for a free tree. The trees will be planted by K&C Groundworks, our community landscape maintenance company. Those interested should contact Kate […]

Thurs. April 12, 2018 Roland Avenue Public Meeting

Thursday April 12, 2018 is the new date for a public meeting concerning Roland Avenue being held by the Baltimore City Department of Transportation (BCDOT) at St. David’s Church, 4700 Roland Avenue from 5:00-7:00PM. (Note-this meeting was originally scheduled March 20, 2018 but postponed due to snow) Roland-Park-mtg-4-12-18 For background, see: https://rolandpark.org/roland-avenue-update-bcdot-letter-1-23-18/    

To be rescheduled-Tues. March 20, 2018 Roland Ave Public Meeting

TO BE RESCHEDULED due to inclement weather and dangerous road conditions. Save the Date to attend a public meeting concerning Roland Avenue being held by Baltimore City Department of Transportation (BCDOT) on Tuesday, March 20, 2018 at Roland Park Elementary/Middle School (RPEMS), 5207 Roland Avenue from 6:00-8:00PM. Further details will be shared when available. Roland-Park-BCDOT-mtg-invite-3-20-18

Agenda for March 7, 2018 Meeting of Civic League Board

All are welcome to attend standing monthly meetings of the Roland Park Civic League Board, see our agenda for March 7th. Note the temporary location for these meetings is North Baltimore Mennonite Church, 4615 Roland Avenue (at Oakdale) the first Wednesday of each month, 7-9PM. Contact a Plat Rep. for updates or to share concerns. RPCL-MAR-2018-agenda

State Delegate Candidate Forum – Sunday March 11

Please plan to attend two 41st District Candidate Forums in the run up to the primary election on June 26. 2018. The first forum, for State Delegate Candidates, will be held on Sunday, March 11, from 5 to 7 p.m., at Bolton Street Synagogue, 212 W. Coldspring Lane. Delegate candidates committed to attending so far include […]

Join the RPCF Spring Celebration on Friday, April 20th!

  April 20, 2018, 6:30-10:00 p.m. The Women’s Club of Roland Park 4500 Roland Avenue Click here to Buy Tickets Now Support Roland Park’s Green Spaces Featuring live music, neighborhood “celebrity” bartenders, fine food and beverages Plus a Wine Auction! Tickets $75/per person The Roland Park Community Foundation(RPCF) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization established in […]

Roland Avenue Update-BCDoT Letter 1/23/18

A letter was received this week from the Baltimore City Department of Transportation (BCDoT) after five meetings attended by Civic League (RPCL) representatives during fall of 2017 on the subject of Roland Avenue. Please consider attending the next regular monthly Board meeting of RPCL on Wednesday evening February 7, 2018 (7-9PM) when the contents of this letter […]

Roland Park office hours during the holidays

Please note that the Roland Park Civic League office will be closed from December 25th through January 1. For contact information, visit https://rolandpark.org/contact/contacts-addresses/     

Winter 2017 Roland Park News

Winter 2017 Roland Park News

Discussion Concerning Temporary Signs

From Hap Cooper, President Roland Park Civic League I would like to personally apologize if the recent Roland Park News conveyed to you the impression that we wish to interfere with your First Amendment right to free expression. We support and encourage respectful dialogue without exception. In fact, we ourselves planted a temporary sign welcoming […]

Pedestrian Safety on the Falls Road and Cold Spring Corridor

On November 7, RPCL representatives and two members of the Landscape Committee attended a meeting held at Poly to discuss concerns over traffic speed and pedestrian safety on the Falls Road and Cold Spring corridor. The meeting focused on improving pedestrian safety on Falls Road and DOT representatives gave a presentation on the planned installation […]

Trees still available for Roland Park Residents – UPDATE

UPDATE 11/15/2017: Additional trees looking for new homes, to be  planted on personal property. If you are a resident who pays full fees, you are eligible for a new tree.  Not only is the tree free but we’ll plant it for you. The remaining trees available for planting this fall are listed below.  Please see this file for […]

© Roland Park Civic League