Hillside Park Update

Hillside Park Update Please watch the video and consider making a gift today! Ready to Pitch in for The Park? Click here to donate!

Update on Public Safety

The RPCL takes the topic of public safety very seriously and is committed to working with our BCPD and the community to disseminate information and advocate for positive change.  At Wednesday’s RPCL meeting, there was some discussion on education of the community, so we’ve added a new page to the Roland Park website that will […]

Update on Rezoning and Baltimore Country Club – Oct. 2

Roland Park Civic League First Vice President Chris McSherry writes with this update: “Dear Neighbors, Many thanks to everyone who has supported the Civic League in trying to get the land at BCC zoned like the area surrounding it.  The Civic League and the Community Foundation made a presentation to the  City Council Land Use […]

Roland Park Civic League meeting Wednesday, Oct. 5th at 7PM.

The RPCL board will be holding its routine monthly meeting this coming Wednesday evening at 7PM, at the Roland Park Presbyterian Church, 4801 Roland Avenue.  The church is located on the northeast corner of Roland Avenue and Upland Road. The meeting is held in the churh basement, which is accessible from the side door on […]

Rezoning and Baltimore Country Club

In the next two weeks, City Council is expected to finalize the first Zoning overhaul in 45 years, known as Transform Baltimore which will effect the entire city. For the past 5 years, RP Civic League has been actively involved in this process. Within the last month, Baltimore Country Club has seized this opportunity to […]

Please Park Next to the Bike Lane

The following notice was issued this week by Kohl.Fallin@baltimorecity.gov; (443-984-4095 (Office) who is our city neighborhood transportation liaison: The Roland Avenue Resurfacing project from Cold Spring Lane to Northern Parkway has been completed. This is the first parking-protected bike lane in Baltimore City, and the Baltimore City Department of Transportation (BCDOT) would like to alert […]

Zika spraying and bees

Andrew Marani has provided this in depth information on the topic. The state of Maryland is now doing targeted spraying for Zika. They are using a product by Bayer called Permanone 30-30, which is very toxic to bees, among other things. A link to information about this product is below. https://www.backedbybayer.com/~/media/BackedByBayer/Product%20Labels%20-%20pdf/Permanone%2030-30.ashx Currently they are not […]

RPCL board meeting Sept. 7 – focus on crime and public safety.

Dear Roland Park Community Members- the Civic League board will be dedicating the majority of September 7th’s board meeting to the topic of crime, public safety, and what we can do in response. We encourage you to join us at 7 PM in the Roland Park Presbyterian Church basement (across Roland Avenue from Petite Louis) […]

Temporary Closure of Stony Run Path

Caroline Wayner, President of Wyndhurst Improvement Association, has forwarded along this important information from the Baltimore Department of Public Works (DPW) to the Roland Park Civic League. While inspecting sewer lines in Tuxedo Park near the Stony Run path, DPW has found an old terra cotta pipe in danger of imminent collapse. Were it to […]

Update on Organic Debris program

Dear Neighbors, Currently, any resident who pays Full Fees and Civic League dues is entitled to have 2 cubic yards of organic debris removed from their property monthly during the months of March, April, May, June, July, September, October, and November. The sign up form on the website previously included the following question: “Do you […]

Message on Public Safety – July 2016

Dear Fellow Roland Park Community Members- as I am sure all of you are aware, our community has experienced some violent crimes in recent weeks. Indeed, I can only imagine the shock that Molly Macauley’s family, friends, and colleagues are still going through. Obviously, these events are unusual in this safe community we know and […]

July 4th Parade 2016 Gallery

We were lucky this year that the rain held off until after everyone who wanted to get soaked went under the hose! Thanks to the crew of Baltimore City Fire Department Engine 44 for bringing the fun. Thanks to those who organized the event on behalf of the Roland Park Civic League, including Nigel Sequeira […]

4th of July Parade in Roland Park

Come celebrate the 4th of July at the Annual Roland Park Parade, from 10-12 on Monday, July 4.  The parade will start in front of the library with a reading of the Declaration of Independence and some words from our elected officials.  Then we will parade down Roland Avenue behind the local fire truck to […]

© Roland Park Civic League