50th Anniversary of Earth Day and Tree Planting!

April 22nd is 50th Anniversary of Earth Day

Roland Park to celebrate by planting 50 trees

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, let’s plant 50 trees in Roland Park. The Baltimore City Department of Forestry has given the Landscape Committee the trees as part of a program to expand the City’s tree canopy.

The first 50 residents to sign up are eligible to receive a tree to plant on or near your property (one per household). In addition to planting the tree yourself, you must agree to provide your address to Kate Culotta for the Tree Baltimore registry, and water, maintain and care for the new tree (guidelines and planting instructions will be provided). If you are unable to plant the tree, the Landscape Committee will arrange to have it planted at a future date. Fees may apply.

The tree supply is limited:

  • Verge or streetscape trees include Red Maple, Black Gum and American Hornbeam
  • Personal property trees include Flowering Black Cherry (native), Eastern Redbud, Serviceberry, American Hornbeam, Southern Magnolia and Sweet Gum. Note that Sweet Gum is only suitable for areas away from the street, sidewalk and play areas because they drop hard, spiked fruits. These fruits, while unpleasant to walk on, are an important food source for native wildlife like birds, chipmunks and squirrels. It is best to plant Sweet Gums on slopes or at the forest edge.

Tree distribution will follow strict social distancing guidelines.

Please contact Kate Culotta at krculotta@msn.com or 410-804-4750 for more information, and to request help with tree selection or planting. Trees available for pick up starting Wednesday April 22, 2020.