Entries by Martha Marani

January 2021 Civic League Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roland Park Civic League will take place Wednesday, January 13th at 7PM via Zoom.  All are welcome to join! Here are Zoom instructions: Zoom Instructions 1:13:21 Here is the meeting agenda: Agenda_RPCL_January_2021

November Civic League Meeting Wednesday 11/4 at 7PM

The Civic League invites all members of the Roland Park community to join the monthly meeting tomorrow via Zoom, starting at 7PM. Zoom details are here: Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/91637998112?pwd=MVZnaVo4Mzd5L2YzL1VQOVFFemRwQT09 Meeting ID: 916 3799 8112 Passcode: 7M9a9F One tap mobile +13017158592,,91637998112#,,,,,,0#,,476712# US (Germantown) +13126266799,,91637998112#,,,,,,0#,,476712# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 301 715 8592 US […]

Announcing the Roland Park Art Walk! November 7th 12-4PM

The Art Walk is coming to Roland Park!  On Saturday, November 7th, show your neighbors and community what you and your family have been creating during the pandemic months.  Display your art outside in front of your house or in your yard.  To participate and show your (or your kids’) art, email rolandparkartwalk@gmail.com to get your […]

October 2020 Civic League Meeting to be held Wednesday, October 7th at 7:00PM via Zoom. 

Join us for tomorrow’s monthly Civic League Meeting! Zoom details and Agenda are below: Agenda_October_2020 Topic: RPCL October 2020 Board Meeting Time: Oct 7, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/98366096425?pwd=aEpxaWdDSFJiRnpPbTloczh3dmpydz09 Meeting ID: 983 6609 6425 Passcode: 8tvXkk One tap mobile +13017158592,,98366096425#,,,,,,0#,,844313# US (Germantown) +16465588656,,98366096425#,,,,,,0#,,844313# US (New York) Dial by […]

July Civic League Meeting Wednesday, July 1st 7PM via Zoom

Join the Roland Park Civic League for their monthly meeting this Wednesday, July 1st at 7PM via Zoom! Zoom access is below: Topic: RPCL July 2020 Board Meeting Time: Jul 1, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/97511020765?pwd=OTY3NGVpRFd5QlVwaXY3SVRFSTlEZz09 Meeting ID: 975 1102 0765 Password: 2eM9JP One tap mobile +13017158592,,97511020765#,,,,0#,,695069# US […]