Roland Park Landscape Committee

Subcommittee of the Roland Park Community Foundation

Mission Statement

A research and planning committee to guide the various Roland Park organizations in monitoring and maintaining public greenspaces based on, whenever possible, the original Olmsted principles and design:

  • To assist in monitoring the current health of the landscape in Roland Park.
  • To research solutions and actions needed to address current public greenspace issues.
  • To research and develop long range landscape design projects, as needed, in conjunction with Roland Park Community Foundation and Roads &
  • To communicate, in an open and transparent manner, landscape issues to the residents of Roland Park via RP Newsletter, RP website, community email and through open public forums.
  • To encourage and provide access to tree plantings throughout Roland Park, including public greenspace, streetscapes and private property.

Committee Members

Kathy Hudson: Co-Chairperson
Kathy Manson: co-Chairperson
Kate Culotta
Marta Hanson
Kirsten Johnson
Andrew Marani
Cynthia McIntyre
Jean Mellott
Susan Newhouse: Ex Officio
Devra Kitterman: Roland Park Newsletter contributor
Roland Park Civic League Liaison: Thomas Hunt
