Roland Water Tower Peregrine Falcons
When the Roland Water Tower restoration was being planned, there was significant concern about the fate of the peregrine falcons that had been living in the tower for years. Under the guidance of raptor expert Craig A. Koppie, a temporary nesting box was installed nearby to give these longtime residents a place to live during construction. Though the female falcon died after suffering an injury in July of 2020, neighbors were thrilled to learn that the male had returned with a new partner in September, moving into the permanent nesting box that was installed in the tower. In May, it was confirmed that the pair had hatched two eyases (baby peregrine falcons). Pictures of the nestlings were soon being shared on the Friends of the Roland Water Tower Facebook page. More recently, images of the two female fledglings have been taken.

under four feet, an adult falcon
can reach speeds of more than
200 miles per hour during a
hunting dive.
Photo: Craig A. Koppie

curious about their neighbors as we
are about them.
Photo: Marc Butt, Inspired Photography