Blue Ocean Group has the Overlook site under contract to
Claiborne Senior Living of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, owner / operators of senior living homes.
Claiborne proposes to build a senior living facility with 80 assisted living and 30 memory care units on the Overlook footprint. Claiborne’s building would be significantly lower in height and have fewer units and parking spaces.
Lehr Stream, along with Poplar Hill Association, NRPIA, Sabina/Mattfeldt Association and the Roland Park Civic League, will host a Zoom call with Claiborne March 10, 2021 at 7:30 pm. Claiborne will explain their proposal and the permissions they will need from the city to build it.
Here is the Zoom link:
Join Zoom Meeting on March 10th./7:30p.m. Click on Link Below:
Meeting ID: 853 0009 1143
Passcode: 820794
Or Dial in via Telephone:
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Claiborne provided a number of illustrations of their proposal. Here is the site plan for the proposed three story building, approximately the same footprint as the Overlook, with one entrance in and out near the Northern Parkway entrance to the Falls. There are no other roads planned, either for construction or upon completion.