In advance of the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Civic League, the new slate of board nominees and is now available for community review. Note that the annual meeting will take place via Zoom on Wednesday, May 20th at 7PM (link details to follow). There will be a vote on the slate, so residents are encouraged to participate in the meeting and vote! Per the By-Laws, we need a minimum of 35 people for voting/approval purposes.
President: Robert Connors
First Vice President: Tom Hoen*
Second Vice President: Ashley Handwerk
Secretary: Ann-Barron Carneal**
Treasurer: Jen Viglucci
Plat 1 Rep: Blair Storzer**
Plat 4 Rep: Bobby Marinelli*
Plat 5 City Rep: Andy Niazy**
Plat 6 Rep: Devon Dodson
At-Large Rep “B”: Rachel Dawson*
At-Large Rep “E”: Ken Rice*
Returning Board Members
Plat 2 Rep: Ed Goodlander
Plat 3 Rep: Dan McIntyre
Plat 5/County Rep: Dan Motz
At-Large “A” Rep: Mary Kay Battafarano
At-Large “C” Rep: Richard Bruno
At-Large “D” Rep: Martha Holleman
*New to RPCL Board
**Current RPCL Board member in a new role
NOTE: You can read the bios for each proposed new board member here: rpclboardnomineebios