Zoom Meeting on plans for the Overlook site: Wednesday, March 10th 7:30PM

Blue Ocean Group has the Overlook site under contract to Claiborne Senior Living of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, owner / operators of senior living homes.
Claiborne proposes to build a senior living facility with 80 assisted living and 30 memory care units on the Overlook footprint. Claiborne’s building would be significantly lower in height and have fewer units and parking spaces.
Lehr Stream, along with Poplar Hill Association, NRPIA, Sabina/Mattfeldt Association and the Roland Park Civic League, will host a Zoom call with Claiborne March 10, 2021 at 7:30 pm. Claiborne will explain their proposal and the permissions they will need from the city to build it.
Here is the Zoom link:
Join Zoom Meeting on March 10th./7:30p.m. Click on Link Below:
Meeting ID: 853 0009 1143
Passcode: 820794
Or Dial in via Telephone:
       +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
       +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Claiborne provided a number of illustrations of their proposal. Here is the site plan for the proposed three story building, approximately the same footprint as the Overlook, with one entrance in and out near the Northern Parkway entrance to the Falls. There are no other roads planned, either for construction or upon completion.
Here is the same information in a rendering:
An important consideration for the community is the height and total elevation of the proposed building compared to the Falls. Here is an architectural elevation showing the elevation of the Falls to be 355 feet and the new building 343 feet. The proposed building is 35 feet in height, plus the parapets to cover the mechanical units on the roof.
Many more illustrations are available in the Dropbox files provided by Claiborne:
Please plan to join the community Zoom on the 10th!



Recent Press on the BCC Land Sale and Plans for a New Public Park

These recent articles from The Baltimore Sun and Baltimore Brew talk about the current Roland Park initiative to turn 20 acres of green space along Falls Road into a public park for all Baltimoreans to use and enjoy.

Continue to check here for new updates on this exciting project, and also on social media (Next Door and Instagram @rolandparkcommunity).  An earlier post about the land and community plans from January 17th can be found by scrolling down on this page.

For more information or to get involved, contact Mary Page Michel, Chair, Roland Park Community Foundation: communityfoundation@rolandpark.org



Monthly Civic League Meeting- February 3rd at 7PM

February Civic League meeting will be a short one, 7-8PM.  Join us!

Here are the Zoom log-in details:

Join Zoom Meeting



January 2021 Civic League Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Roland Park Civic League will take place Wednesday, January 13th at 7PM via Zoom.  All are welcome to join!

Here are Zoom instructions: Zoom Instructions 1:13:21

Here is the meeting agenda: Agenda_RPCL_January_2021

November Civic League Meeting Wednesday 11/4 at 7PM

The Civic League invites all members of the Roland Park community to join the monthly meeting tomorrow via Zoom, starting at 7PM.

Zoom details are here:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 916 3799 8112
Passcode: 7M9a9F
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,91637998112#,,,,,,0#,,476712# US (Germantown)
+13126266799,,91637998112#,,,,,,0#,,476712# US (Chicago)

Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 916 3799 8112
Passcode: 476712
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ajSm5sTJH

Here’s the link to the meeting agenda:

Agenda_November_2020 (2)

Announcing the Roland Park Art Walk! November 7th 12-4PM

The Art Walk is coming to Roland Park!  On Saturday, November 7th, show your neighbors and community what you and your family have been creating during the pandemic months.  Display your art outside in front of your house or in your yard.  To participate and show your (or your kids’) art, email rolandparkartwalk@gmail.com to get your address on the interactive Art Walk map, which is posted on RPartwalk.com. The organizers will regularly update the Art Walk map up until the night before the event. The google map will show which homes are showing art.  Also visit the website (RPartwalk.com) and follow @rolandparkartwalk on Instagram!
This is also a wonderful opportunity to get out and take a walk around our beautiful neighborhood.
Note: the rain date is Saturday, November 14th.
Flyer from the organizer can be found here:


Autumn 2020 Roland Park Free Tree Program

The Roland Park Landscaping Committee is continuing its Free Tree Program this fall.  You can read all the details here, including a list of tree types available:

Fall 2020 tree planting


Roland Park Civic League 2020-2021 Board of Directors Slate

In advance of the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Civic League, the new slate of board nominees and is now available for community review.  Note that the annual meeting will take place via Zoom on Wednesday, May 20th at 7PM (link details to follow).  There will be a vote on the slate, so residents are encouraged to participate in the meeting and vote!  Per the By-Laws, we need a minimum of 35 people for voting/approval purposes.


President: Robert Connors

First Vice President: Tom Hoen*

Second Vice President: Ashley Handwerk

Secretary: Ann-Barron Carneal**

Treasurer: Jen Viglucci

Plat 1 Rep: Blair Storzer**

Plat 4 Rep: Bobby Marinelli*

Plat 5 City Rep: Andy Niazy**

Plat 6 Rep: Devon Dodson

At-Large Rep “B”: Rachel Dawson*

At-Large Rep “E”: Ken Rice*

Returning Board Members


Plat 2 Rep: Ed Goodlander

Plat 3 Rep: Dan McIntyre

Plat 5/County Rep: Dan Motz

At-Large “A” Rep: Mary Kay Battafarano

At-Large “C” Rep: Richard Bruno

At-Large “D” Rep: Martha Holleman

*New to RPCL Board

**Current RPCL Board member in a new role

NOTE: You can read the bios for each proposed new board member here: rpclboardnomineebios


50th Anniversary of Earth Day and Tree Planting!

April 22nd is 50th Anniversary of Earth Day

Roland Park to celebrate by planting 50 trees

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, let’s plant 50 trees in Roland Park. The Baltimore City Department of Forestry has given the Landscape Committee the trees as part of a program to expand the City’s tree canopy.

The first 50 residents to sign up are eligible to receive a tree to plant on or near your property (one per household). In addition to planting the tree yourself, you must agree to provide your address to Kate Culotta for the Tree Baltimore registry, and water, maintain and care for the new tree (guidelines and planting instructions will be provided). If you are unable to plant the tree, the Landscape Committee will arrange to have it planted at a future date. Fees may apply.

The tree supply is limited:

  • Verge or streetscape trees include Red Maple, Black Gum and American Hornbeam
  • Personal property trees include Flowering Black Cherry (native), Eastern Redbud, Serviceberry, American Hornbeam, Southern Magnolia and Sweet Gum. Note that Sweet Gum is only suitable for areas away from the street, sidewalk and play areas because they drop hard, spiked fruits. These fruits, while unpleasant to walk on, are an important food source for native wildlife like birds, chipmunks and squirrels. It is best to plant Sweet Gums on slopes or at the forest edge.

Tree distribution will follow strict social distancing guidelines.

Please contact Kate Culotta at krculotta@msn.com or 410-804-4750 for more information, and to request help with tree selection or planting. Trees available for pick up starting Wednesday April 22, 2020.