Hillside Park Update

Hillside Park Update Please watch the video and consider making a gift today! Ready to Pitch in for The Park? Click here to donate!

Annual Meeting-Wed. May 15, 2019: Agenda, Minutes, Slate, Standing Rules

Please mark your calendars and join us- remind your neighbors too. This detailed invitation letter and slate of nominees for Officers and Plat Representatives was mailed to all residential addresses in Roland Park last week. In advance of this Annual Membership meeting on Wednesday May 15, 2019 it’s recommended all members with voting privileges peruse […]

Roland Park residents: Free trees are now available for planting

Through a joint program Between the RP Community Foundation’s Landscape Committee and Baltimore Department of Forestry, a selection of shade and ornamental trees have arrived. Medium-large trees for planting along the verge or streetscape: Red Maples (straight species and hybrid Autumn Flame) Oaks (Overcup Oak & Southern Red Oak) American Elm (Princeton species) Black Gum/Tupelo […]

Agenda for Wed. April 3, 2019 Board Meeting

Members and Residents-look over our agenda and consider joining us this Wednesday evening April 3, 2019 from 7-9pm for the regular monthly meeting of the Roland Park Civic League Board. We meet in the recently renovated basement assembly room of Roland Park Presbyterian, accessible via Upland Road off Roland Avenue. Hope to see you there! RPCL_Agenda_April_2019

Mayor’s Decision on Roland Ave and University Parkway Corridor

Dear Members of the Roland Park Community, I write to inform you of the Mayor’s important decision released today involving the Roland Avenue and University Parkway corridor linked here. Therefore, the DOT meeting at RPEMS (Roland Park Elementary/Middle School) scheduled for Monday, April 1, 2019 is cancelled. Note that the pair of speed cameras approved […]

Important Roland Avenue Update from Bob Connors

Dear Roland Park Civic League members and residents, As many of you may already be aware, Baltimore City Department of Transportation (DOT) has  announced a Public Meeting about a proposed “road diet” test on Roland Avenue. Their required public meeting will take place Monday, April 1st from 6:00-7:30PM at the Roland Park Elementary/Middle School, 5207 […]

Agenda for Wed. March 6, 2019 Board Meeting

Members and Residents-look over our agenda and consider joining us this Wednesday evening March 6, 2019 from 7-9pm for the regular monthly meeting of the Roland Park Civic League Board. We meet in the recently renovated basement assembly room of Roland Park Presbyterian, accessible via Upland Road off Roland Avenue. Hope to see you there! RPCL_Agenda_March_2019

Roland Park Tree Program 2019

The trees planted along the verge and other areas of public green space in Roland Park are Baltimore City property and maintained by the City Department of Forestry. Residents are encouraged to water and care for trees planted in front of their homes in the verge area. When a resident notices a dead tree in […]

Spring 2019 Roland Park News

Spring 2019 Roland Park News

Public Safety Update

Update from Robert Connors, President of the Roland Park Civic League: ‘Just heard from Major Rich Gibson (Northern District Commander, Baltimore City Police) that 4 of 7 suspects thought to be responsible for the recent crimes in several neighborhoods, including Roland Park, have been arrested. Stay vigilant, recheck locks on homes and vehicles, consider an […]

Agenda for Wed. February 6, 2019 Board Meeting

RPCL_Agenda_February_2019 Members and Residents-please consider joining us this Wednesday evening February 6, 2019 from 7-9pm for the regular monthly meeting of the Roland Park Civic League Board in the basement assembly room of Roland Park Presbyterian, accessible via Upland Road off Roland Avenue.

Snow plowing lanes January 14, 2019

From Tom Hunt, Chair Maintenance Committee, Civic League: Davey Tree has been on site since 9am today, January 14, 2019 to plow the snow in our lanes. They will return to do a salt treatment to mitigate problems with ice in the next couple of days as temperatures go above and below freezing. As a […]

Agenda for Wed. January 2, 2019 Board Meeting

RPCL_Agenda_January_2019 Members and Residents-please consider joining us this Wednesday evening January 2, 2019 from 7-9pm for the regular monthly meeting of the Roland Park Civic League Board in the basement assembly room of Roland Park Presbyterian, accessible via Upland Road off Roland Avenue.  

© Roland Park Civic League