Recent thefts from vehicles in Roland Park

There have been a number of recent reports of cars being broken into and the contents ransacked and/or stolen during the night. We have also seen packages stolen from porches. Now that the holiday season is upon us and we will all be busier than usual, here are a few tips to protect your belongings:

1.) Lock your car! It is easy to do but also easy to forget.
2.) Place your keys in a metal box inside your house. Thieves have a device that can unlock cars that have a remote keyless entry function on the key fob. It picks up and repeats the signal from the key fob in your house, amplifying it enough to unlock your car parked out front. You can block the device by storing your car keys in a metal box at night time. .
3.) Always leave your cars empty at night, so that thieves won’t see anything tempting when they look in the windows.
4.) Please report these break-ins to the police because it helps them to monitor patterns so that they can patrol the areas getting hit the hardest.
5.) Have packages delivered to a pick-up spot or a neighbor who is home rather than your front porch. Packages left on porches for hours are an easy target for thieves.

–Chris McSherry, First Vice President, Roland Park Civic League