Announcement of Annual Civic League Meeting: May 19, 2021

The Annual Meeting of the Civic League will be held via Zoom on Wednesday, May 19th at 7PM!  Join us!  Agenda and Zoom link will be posted soon.  In the meantime, you can read the meeting notice and view the proposed slate of the Board of Directors to be voted on below.

Read President Bob Connors’ Meeting Notice here

View the slate of proposed Board of Directors  for approval by membership

Draft Annual Meeting Minutes 2020 for approval by membership

2 New Hillside Park Zoom presentations added!

Due to increasing interest and attendance at prior meetings, two new Zoom presentation dates have been added!  Join us and learn more about the exciting plans to purchase 20 acres of land being sold by Baltimore Country club to create a new public park for Baltimore.  To-date, over 100 Zooms have engaged more than 500 people!

April 18th at 6PM link

April 25th at 6PM link

Fundraising continues, and we need you to Pitch in for The Park! Click here to donate!





Important Message about the Organic Debris Pick Up Program

At the April 2021 RPCL board meeting, the Finance Committee, in preparation for the new fiscal year which starts May 1, 2021, presented a compelling case that the organic debris pick up program as it currently exists is not financially sustainable.  The Board voted to temporarily suspend the program pending further review and with community input on the viability of the program going forward.  Our contractor has kindly agreed to do a pick up in May for those registering in April.  We thank our residents for their patience in this process as the RPCL Finance Committee and the officers and directors of the board uphold their fiduciary responsibility to our community.

This link will take you to the website page on the program, where you can request pick up for the month of May:



April 2021 Civic League Meeting Tomorrow 4/7 at 7PM via Zoom

Join the monthly Civic Meeting tomorrow!  Lots on the agenda!  Everyone is welcome!

Meeting Agenda is here

Zoom link is here

Poll Results March 2021

**Also, don’t forget to put May 19th at 7PM on your calendar.  It’s the RPCL Annual Meeting!




2 New Presentation Zooms on the Campaign for Hillside Park Added for April!

Given the rising excitement and interest in the Hillside Park project, two new Zoom presentations have been added for April! Everyone is welcome to join in and learn more about the vision for the park!

Please Pitch in for The Park!  

Register for the April 9th Zoom @7PM here:

Register for the April 11th @5PM Zoom here:






Community Online Poll on Two Important Projects- Please Participate!

The Roland Park Civic League is seeking your feedback ASAP on two current and potentially big impact projects around the community.  RPCL President Bob Connors’ letter explaining things, which includes the link to the poll, is below.  Please take a few minutes to read it and do the poll!  Your feedback is very important!

Read Civic League President Bob Connors’ letter about the poll and the projects here:



Zoom Meeting on plans for the Overlook site: Wednesday, March 10th 7:30PM

Blue Ocean Group has the Overlook site under contract to Claiborne Senior Living of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, owner / operators of senior living homes.
Claiborne proposes to build a senior living facility with 80 assisted living and 30 memory care units on the Overlook footprint. Claiborne’s building would be significantly lower in height and have fewer units and parking spaces.
Lehr Stream, along with Poplar Hill Association, NRPIA, Sabina/Mattfeldt Association and the Roland Park Civic League, will host a Zoom call with Claiborne March 10, 2021 at 7:30 pm. Claiborne will explain their proposal and the permissions they will need from the city to build it.
Here is the Zoom link:
Join Zoom Meeting on March 10th./7:30p.m. Click on Link Below:
Meeting ID: 853 0009 1143
Passcode: 820794
Or Dial in via Telephone:
       +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
       +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Claiborne provided a number of illustrations of their proposal. Here is the site plan for the proposed three story building, approximately the same footprint as the Overlook, with one entrance in and out near the Northern Parkway entrance to the Falls. There are no other roads planned, either for construction or upon completion.
Here is the same information in a rendering:
An important consideration for the community is the height and total elevation of the proposed building compared to the Falls. Here is an architectural elevation showing the elevation of the Falls to be 355 feet and the new building 343 feet. The proposed building is 35 feet in height, plus the parapets to cover the mechanical units on the roof.
Many more illustrations are available in the Dropbox files provided by Claiborne:
Please plan to join the community Zoom on the 10th!



March 2021 Civic League Meeting

The March 2021 meeting of the Roland Park Civic League takes place this Wednesday, March 3rd at 7PM via Zoom.  Join us!  Of note, the renovation plans for Eddie’s on Roland Avenue will be presented.

Zoom details are here:

Meeting agenda is here:
