Agenda for Wed. February 6, 2019 Board Meeting


Members and Residents-please consider joining us this Wednesday evening February 6, 2019 from 7-9pm for the regular monthly meeting of the Roland Park Civic League Board in the basement assembly room of Roland Park Presbyterian, accessible via Upland Road off Roland Avenue.

Snow plowing lanes January 14, 2019

From Tom Hunt, Chair Maintenance Committee, Civic League:
Davey Tree has been on site since 9am today, January 14, 2019 to plow the snow in our lanes. They will return to do a salt treatment to mitigate problems with ice in the next couple of days as temperatures go above and below freezing. As a reminder this service is provided when snow exceeds four inches. If you have any issues or concerns please email

Agenda for Wed. January 2, 2019 Board Meeting


Members and Residents-please consider joining us this Wednesday evening January 2, 2019 from 7-9pm for the regular monthly meeting of the Roland Park Civic League Board in the basement assembly room of Roland Park Presbyterian, accessible via Upland Road off Roland Avenue.


Agenda for Wed. December 5, 2018 Board Meeting

Members and Residents-please consider joining us this Wednesday evening December 5, 2018 from 7-9pm for the regular monthly meeting of the Roland Park Civic League Board in the basement assembly room of Roland Park Presbyterian, accessible via Upland Avenue at Roland.  Agenda_December 5, 2018

Recent thefts from vehicles in Roland Park

There have been a number of recent reports of cars being broken into and the contents ransacked and/or stolen during the night. We have also seen packages stolen from porches. Now that the holiday season is upon us and we will all be busier than usual, here are a few tips to protect your belongings:

1.) Lock your car! It is easy to do but also easy to forget.
2.) Place your keys in a metal box inside your house. Thieves have a device that can unlock cars that have a remote keyless entry function on the key fob. It picks up and repeats the signal from the key fob in your house, amplifying it enough to unlock your car parked out front. You can block the device by storing your car keys in a metal box at night time. .
3.) Always leave your cars empty at night, so that thieves won’t see anything tempting when they look in the windows.
4.) Please report these break-ins to the police because it helps them to monitor patterns so that they can patrol the areas getting hit the hardest.
5.) Have packages delivered to a pick-up spot or a neighbor who is home rather than your front porch. Packages left on porches for hours are an easy target for thieves.

–Chris McSherry, First Vice President, Roland Park Civic League

Happy Thanksgiving from The Roland Park Civic League!

Zelkovas in brilliant Fall Color on Roland Avenue (Photo Credit: Anne Stuzin)

The board of your Roland Park Civic League would like to wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving. I want to personally thank this wonderful community for its outpouring of generosity to our recent food drive. Literally every inch of my car was packed to the brim with bags and boxes of food along with coolers filled with turkeys and hams. We had so many donations, we needed a second car, and luckily our office manager, Shari Hash, came to the rescue. It is this connectedness of community that we must continue to strive to meet every day.

So, thus begins this wonderful season of thanks and giving. Let’s all commit to looking up from our phones and saying hello to our neighbors. Check in on them and make sure they are OK and have what they need. Take an extra second to smile and say hello to someone on the sidewalk. I guarantee this will make your holidays, and someone else’s, even brighter!

— Robert Connors, President, Roland Park Civic League

Save the date for the 2019 Spring Celebration!

Save the date for the 2019 Spring Celebration!

April 26, 2019

Location: The Woman’s Club of Roland Park, 4500 Roland Avenue

Join your neighbors for the Roland Park Community Foundation’s annual fundraiser!

Featuring “celebrity” neighborhood bartenders, light fare provided by local restaurants and the ever-popular Wine Auction.

Tickets available online in early 2019.

For sponsorship opportunities, please contact

Read more about the Roland Park Community Foundation here:

1st Annual RPCL Thanksgiving Food Drive

The Roland Park Civic League will be accepting food and monetary donations this Sunday, November 11, 2018 to help out our neighbors in Park Heights. In collaboration with our Councilwoman, Sharon Green-Middleton, we reached out to the Langston Hughes Community Resource Center about helping with their annual Thanksgiving meal which they provide on the Tuesday prior to Thanksgiving. This center provides 6300 meals to people every week, and this is an opportunity for us to support the fine work they do in the community. And what better time than the start of the holiday giving season?

Please be as generous as you can. If you have an extra can of green beans at home, or can buy an extra can of beans or package of stuffing this weekend, drop them at our RPCL table set up in front of Tuxedo Pharmacy, 5115 Roland Avenue, between 11AM and 1PM. They really need everything so any typical Thanksgiving item will be much appreciated. We will also accept cash, check, or credit card donations that will be used to purchase turkeys and hams. Those who want to participate afterwards, donations will continue to be accepted at the RPCL Office, 5115B Roland Avenue during regular hours (10 am-2pm) Monday, November 12th-Friday, November 18th. And we will get everything delivered next weekend.

Please stop by and say hello to your RPCL board members as you drop off your contributions.

Many thanks, and a very Happy Thanksgiving!!

Agenda for Wed. November 7, 2018-RPCL Board Meeting

Members and Residents-please consider joining us this Wednesday evening November 7, 2018 from 7-9pm for the regular monthly meeting of the Roland Park Civic League Board in the basement assembly room of Roland Park Presbyterian, accessible via Upland Avenue at Roland. Agenda_November 7, 2018

Agenda for Wed. October 3, 2018-RPCL Board Meeting

Members and Residents-please consider joining us this Wednesday evening October 3, 2018 from 7-9pm for the regular monthly meeting of the Roland Park Civic League Board in the first floor fellowship room of Roland Park Presbyterian, accessible via Upland Avenue at Roland.  Agenda_October_3_2018.