Happy New Year!

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2022!

The next meeting of the Civic League will be February 2, 2022!  Stay tuned for details!

Hillside Park

5G Installations, RPCL Community Impact Assessment 2021-22

The Roland Park Civic League (RPCL) seeks to inform members and residents about recent developments concerning 5G wireless communication facilities planned for installation in our community as part of a citywide initiative. Please read the RPCL 5G Community Impact Assessment 12.17.21 and if you wish reply with comments or concerns via office@rolandpark.org by January 7, 2022.

Also, feel free to contact your assigned Plat Rep. or others serving on the RPCL Board who represent you on this and other local matters, see https://rolandpark.org/contacts-addresses/. Our next monthly meeting is Wednesday, February 1, 2022 (7-9PM) at Roland Park Presbyterian, 4801 Roland Ave. or online per Zoom link regularly posted here on our website.

RPCL 5G Community Impact Assessment 12.17.21

Exh. 1: Verizon Response to RPCL 10.18.21

Exh. 2: Small Cell Design and Aesthetic Standards – Final 32819

Exh. 3: Addendum to 11.3.21 Minutes, discussion summary


Earlier related news

Reference in March, 2021 Minutes, section 2.e

UPDATE March, 2022 5G_Trileaf 693893 – RPCL


Santa Visit Postponed to Sunday, 12/12 starting at 11AM!

Rain is in the forecast for Saturday the 11th, therefore Santa will come riding through the neighborhood on Sunday the 12th instead, starting around 11AM!  Look for the red vintage firetruck!  Thank you, Waters family for making this Christmas magic happen again!


Here is the route map!

Announcements for December (one involves Santa) and January!

Wishing everyone in Roland Park a festive, happy and healthy holiday season!

  • SANTA IS COMING!!!! Saturday, December 11th!!  Just like last year, he will start his rounds in the neighborhood at 11a.m.  Look for him riding on the back of a red vintage firetruck!  With big thanks to the Waters family, who are generously sponsoring this big event for the second year in a row.  You can find Santa’s route here                                                                    Note: if it rains, Santa will come on Sunday the 12th.  Same time.  Check social media (NDRP, Facebook or Instagram @rolandparkcommunity for any updates!).
  • The Meals for Meals for the Firefighters program is full!  Many thanks to all those in the community that signed up to bring lunches and dinners to the firehouse.  Contact Steve Ralston, Civic League board member and coordinator of the program with any questions: sjralston@gmail.com
  • There will be no January 2022 Civic League Meeting.  The next meeting of the Civic League board will take place on February 6th at 7PM.  It will be an in-person meeting with a Zoom option.  All are welcome to attend!
  • Next in the Roland Park Civic League Speaker Series (at the Enoch Pratt Free Library on Roland Avenue) is January 6th, when we welcome Ethan Abbott , Project Manager, Baltimore Greenway Trails Network, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy. Details are here. Note you must call to reserve your space! Upcoming speakers include Dana Moore (on March 3rd) and Tony Bridges (on May 5th).
  • The Winter issue of the Roland Park News is out, and it’s spectacular!  It’s arriving in your mailboxes, or it can be accessed here on the website.



December Civic League Meeting 12/1/21 Via Zoom only

The December meeting of the Civic League takes place Wednesday, December 1st at 7PM.
Note that this meeting is via Zoom only.

You can view the meeting agenda here

Zoom link: https://ubalt.zoom.us/j/93840111406



Holiday Meals for the Roland Park Firehouse! Sign Up is Open!

After a long hiatus due to Covid, the Civic League-sponsored Holiday Meals for Heroes program is back!

November 28- January 2 you can sign up to provide a lunch or dinner to the firefighters of our community firehouse.  This can be a fun and worthwhile activity to do with your family over the holidays!  Signing up is easy!  Just take a look at the link below to a flyer with all the details.  Thanks in advance for your generosity!

Read the flyer here




Video of Verizon 5G Discussion at November 3rd Civic League Meeting and more

Many thanks to all who attended in person and via Zoom, as well as representatives of Verizon and City Planning.

If you missed the meeting, not to worry!
You can access the video here and an Addendum to 11.3.21 Minutes which summarizes the discussion.

Verizon’s PowerPoint presentation here Verizon 5G presentation 11/3/21

Guest Speakers: Paul Plymouth of Verizon, Matt DeSantis of City Planning, Steve Witkowski and Andreas Andreou.

And as promised during the same meeting, a link to the recent Study on the Falls/No Parkway corridor pending funding  https://transportation.baltimorecity.gov/fallsnorthernstudy


November Civic League Meeting and Discussion about Verizon Plan for 5G towers in the Community! Wednesday, November 3, 7PM.

Mark your calendars! November Civic League meeting is this Wednesday, 11/3 at 7PM!  In person at the Presbyterian Church (basement meeting space) or via Zoom link (below).  Meeting agenda is here

**Of note, there will be an important discussion about Verizon’s plan for 5G towers to be placed in the community.  Reps from Verizon and Baltimore City Planning will be present via Zoom to talk about plans and take questions.   This is our opportunity to get information and ask quesiton!  Please plan to attend and provide your input!

RPCL November Meeting 
Time: Nov 3, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting: