RPCL Update on Land Development Issues

Dear Neighbors- as 2019 draws to a close and the new year approaches, the Roland Park Civic League (RPCL) wishes to update our members and residents on several important local land use issues. 

1. On Friday, December 20, 2019 a ruling by the Baltimore City Circuit Court vacated Baltimore City Ordinance 2017-037, a planned urban development (PUD) for the Overlook at Roland Park. This decision remands the matter to Baltimore’s Mayor and City Council for further consideration. While some media headlines imply this means the project will not be built, that still remains to be decided.  Linked here are the related legal documents: a brief Order and lengthy Memorandum Opinion.

2. A local developer is currently in negotiations to acquire the commercial portion of the Village at Cross Keys and seeking our community’s support for their plans there.

3. This fall, Baltimore Country Club (BCC) members were invited by management to participate in focus groups revisiting future options for their Roland Park Campus. Results have not yet been shared publicly, but are anticipated in 2020. The RPCL collaborates on this matter with the Roland Park Community Foundation, who serve as the lead advocate for preserving this prominent open space, including the possibility of acquiring the land for public use. 

More details on each of the above will be shared at our next regular monthly Board Meeting scheduled Wednesday evening 7-9pm, January 8, 2020 in the basement community room of Roland Park Presbyterian, 4801 Roland Avenue at Upland Rd. In order for us to honor the confidentiality agreement between the potential Cross Keys developer and the current owners, our January meeting will be restricted to Roland Park residents and closed to the press. 

Please watch for ongoing communications concerning these matters and more on the RPCL website, social media , by subscribing to our e-letter and by contacting your plat representatives and officers who are committed to representing you. 

Bob Connors, President
Roland Park Civic League

Roland Park Autumn Tree Planting Update

The Autumn 2019 tree planting in Roland Park has been completed. During the spring planting period, more than sixty (60 shade and flowering ornamental trees were planted throughout Roland Park. Another thirteen (13) shade trees were planted on Monday November 18th by the Landscape Committee and K&C Groundworks. This group of thirteen included Red Maples, Princeton Elms, Black Gum and Hackberry.

The City was also busy planting trees in Roland Park during this season. Twelve (12) new Black Gum trees were planted on the grassy median of Cold Spring Lane between Roland Avenue and Falls Road. Seven (7) Yellowwood trees were planted on Hillside, as you approachthe intersection with Falls Road.

To give you a more in depth view of progress made by the Landscape Committee over the past few years, not only have we been busy planting trees one at a time along the verge, to fill in spots were trees were missing but long lengths of open zones along our side streets were planted in tandem to increase the tree canopy and improve visuals as you drive through Roland Park.

A few examples:

More than six (6) new trees, maples and oaks, have been planted along Oakdale Road, as you head towards Stony Run Park. Another three (3) Red Maples were planted today at the intersection of Oakdale and Hawthorne. Next fall, as these oaks and maples experience their leaf color change, look for glorious sweeps of color as you drive or walk towards Stony Run Park.

Do you frequently drive along Club Road towards Roland? In the spring, look for the pink blooming Redbud and Cherry trees that were planted this year along the Club Road edge of the Roland Park Condominiums. Three (3) new trees were planted for our friends at the Roland Park Mennonite Church earlier this year.

Twelve (12) new Black Gum trees along the Cold Spring Lane median will blaze with the brightest fall foliage in the area next fall. The seven (7) new Yellowwood trees, planted along the north side verge on Hillside will bloom this spring with a cascade of pure white flowers before attractive bright green leaves emerge. Come fall the leaves turn a bright yellow before falling. They will complement the Black Gum, Red Maple and American Hornbeam planted earlier on the west side verge.

It is not too late to place a special request for a tree planting this spring. The order is being prepared, additional oaks, maples, elms and several varieties of flowering ornamentals will be available for planting in May. I’m taking specials requests through the first week of December, or you can wait to peruse the selection when they arrive in late April.

Contact Kate Culotta for details on upcoming tree orders and plantings.

410 804-4750 krculotta@msn.com

[photos: K&C crews plant red maples at Hawthorne & Oakdale; new Black Gum trees on Cold Spring Lane; new Yellowwood trees on Hillside}


Twelve Days of Holiday Meals for Heroes


The Roland Park Civic League is organizing a very special Twelve Days of Holiday Meals for Heroes. We’re looking for teams to work together to create a delicious dinner for our local First Responders at the Roland Park Fire Station, who spend time away from their families over the holidays so that we may remain safe.

Please join us in saying “Thank You” for their dedication and sacrifice. This is a wonderful opportunity to team up as family members, neighbors, friends or colleagues to create and deliver a delicious meal to our local heroes. Please sign up at www.signupgenius.com/go/409044dafa629a13-12days for a day between Saturday, December 21st, and Wednesday, January 1st (the “Twelve Days of Christmas”) to prepare a nutritious entree, a side dish or two, and a dessert. When you select your preferred date, please provide your name (or group name) and a contact phone number.

The meal should feed at least eight and be delivered to the Fire Station at 2 Upland Road ready to eat by no later than 5:30 pm. There are no known food allergies among the First Responders.

Please address questions about the Twelve Days of Holiday Meals for Heroes to Kate Culotta at krculotta@msn.com.

In Memory of Leslie Brown

New link to Mayor Young’s Statement November 26, 2019

From President, Bob Connors
Our entire community was saddened by the tragic accident Thursday evening November 14th that resulted in the death of Mrs. Leslie Brown.  The Roland Park Civic League sends our heartfelt condolences to her family and pray for their comfort.

Several neighbors have asked about whether donations can be made on Leslie Brown’s behalf, and we have been made aware that her family has requested contributions in her memory be sent to: The Baltimore Women’s Giving Circle at the Baltimore Community Foundation, 2 East Read Street, Baltimore, MD 21202.

We are awaiting the Northern District’s completion of their investigation of the accident in order to provide details we will need to continue our advocacy with the Baltimore Department of Transportation to improve safety on Roland Avenue.

Obituary and News story link

Holiday Toy and Book Drive

The Roland Park Civic League and Roland Park Fire Station are joining together to assist the Hampden Fire Station and Medfield Neighborhood Association and surrounding communities, including children’s hospitals. The Roland Park Firehouse will serve as a drop-off point for toys and books for infants-age 14. There is now a collection box at the station. Neighbors can drop things off between now and December 18th. A second box may be added at Schneider Hardware. Please support this wonderful cause that will help others in need this holiday season!


Holiday Cheer at December RPCL Meeting

The December 4th Civic League meeting will feature holiday snacks, beer and wine! Join your fellow residents for some mingling before and after the meeting agenda. Roland Park Presbyterian Church, 7-9PM.

Also, please note that the January Civic League meeting will take place Wednesday, January 8th (due to holiday on Jan. 1). Roland Park Presbyterian Church, 7-9PM.

Agenda for Wed. November 6, 2019 Board Meeting

All members and residents are invited to attend the regular monthly board meetings of the Roland Park Civic League. See our Agenda for Wed. November 6, 2019  in advance. Be well informed on local matters by attending or contact a Plat Rep. directly.

Agenda for Wed. November 6, 2019

Thanksgiving Food Drive

Our commitment to the greater community continues with our 2nd annual Thanksgiving food drive to benefit the Langston Hughes Center in neighboring Park Heights. This Saturday and Sunday, November 2nd and 3rd we join up with Eddie’s of Roland Park to collect everything the Langston Hughes Center will need for their annual Thanksgiving meal. They are going to try and do 2 dinners this year, so let’s show our wonderful RP generosity by supplying everything they need!

Members of RPCL will be collecting your donations at the Roland Avenue store on Saturday and at the Charles Street store on Sunday. We will be there from 1 to 3PM each day. Eddie’s will supply printed shopping lists with many sale items to make it easy to donate. Just make your purchase and hand to a RPCL member to place in our collection boxes as you exit the store. We will make a big trip out to Langston Hughes with all the stuffing, yams, turkeys, and hams just like we did last year.

If you cannot make it to one of these drive days, drop your donation off at our Civic League office, 2nd floor of 5115B Roland Avenue. Checks should be made out to RPCL, and we will use these funds to purchase the perishable items such as turkeys and hams and roasts closer to Thanksgiving week.