Agenda for Wed. Sept. 5, 2018-RPCL Board Meeting

Members and Residents-please consider joining us this Wednesday evening from 7-9pm when the regular monthly meetings of the Roland Park Civic League Board return to Roland Park Presbyterian‘s basement meeting space, accessible via Upland Avenue at Roland with new ramps and an interior elevator. For details, see Agenda-September 5, 2018.

Tuesday, September 4th-Back to School Coffee

The Roland Park Civic League is hosting a Back-To-School Coffee for the community the morning of Tuesday, September 4th!  Look for tables in front of Tuxedo Pharmacy,  5115 Roland Avenue and stop by for some coffee and breakfast treats starting at 7:30 a.m.  All are welcome!

DOT Changes Underway on Eddie’s Block

Baltimore’s Department of Transportation (DOT) began work Wednesday, August 8th that will continue through August 15th on the Eddie’s Block of Roland Avenue, between Colorado Avenue and Deepdene Road. Attached is the Roadway Plan Sheet obtained this week by RPCL President, Bob Connors who continues to be involved and will provide updates posted here as developments continue. Please contact your Plat Rep. with questions or concerns.

Roadway Plan Sheet-Eddie’s Block

DoT Press Release July 19, 2018

More background

Roland Avenue Update-DOT Announcement

To the Roland Park Community:

I’m very pleased to announce DOT Director Michelle Pourciau has decided to delay a decision about Roland Avenue modifications until DOT can conduct further studies. It’s good news that DOT decided not to pursue its preferred Option #1 or proceed with lane reductions without a careful impact analysis.

Director Pourciau listened to the many comments from the community that were made at the June 14th public meeting and subsequently submitted by e-mail during the input period.  She was also very impressed by the results of our recent RPCL poll and the compelling presentation of data as shown at the July 11th Civic League meeting.

Going forward, Director Pourciau will form a study group comprised of herself, Jon Laria, the Chairman of the Mayor’s Bicycle Advisory Commission, myself, and a consultant to be hired with expertise in road design. Director Pourciau will work with this group to develop a revised  proposal and involve the community in the process.

In the meantime, before the end of summer, DOT will restore curbside parking in the 5100 block of Roland Avenue in front of Eddie’s (and looks to do the same in front of the library ), in front of St. David’s Church, and on the southbound side of the 4500 block near The Woman’s Club.

We appreciate Director Pourciau’s willingness to listen and to work with us to resolve the question of the future configuration of Roland Avenue, and commend her for this decision. We also benefitted from the efforts of Councilwoman Sharon Middleton and Council President Jack Young, who advocated on the community’s behalf.

Most importantly, I want to thank you, the residents of Roland Park, for being engaged in this issue. Whether through your attendance and thoughtful questions at our various meetings, or your participation in the recent survey, your comments and concerns have made a difference!

I will continue to update you all as new developments emerge.


Robert Connors, President
Roland Park Civic League

DOT Press Release July 19, 2018

Roland Park Posters for sale!

The Roland Park Poster of 1991, also known as The Roland Park Centennial Poster was a big hit back in “the day.” The Roland Park Community Foundation has reprinted this piece by local artist, humorist and author Barbara Dale. Barbara Dale offered to update the original art to give the current Roland Parkers something they could identify with. (Honestly, when was the last time you heard someone waxing poetic over a Morgan Millard’s egg salad on cheese toast?) The posters are for sale at Eddie’s of Roland Park, The Carriage House of Schneider’s (Hardware), and Tuxedo Pharmacy . The 2018 poster will sell for $20 and the 1991, is a limited release will be hand-numbered and autographed by Barbara Dale will sell for $30. The posters will be framed and donated to the Roland Park Library for a permanent display. The Roland Park Community Foundation will also donate a framed copy of the new poster to each of the five schools of Roland Park. (Bryn Mawr, Gilman, Friends, RPCS, and RPEMS).

For more information, check out our Facebook page at https:\\\RPPosters

RPCF have arranged a deal that allows for the Fleckenstein Gallery and Archival Framing, 3316 Keswick Rd. (410) 366.3669 in Hampden to frame your poster at discounted rates. Pricing begins at $25.

There will be a signing and wine tasting in front of Eddie’s of Roland Park, 5113 Roland Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21210, on
– Thursday, July 26, 2018, from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM and
– Saturday, July 28, 2018, from Noon to 2:00 PM.

The Enoch Pratt Free Library, Roland Park Branch, will hold a reception for Barbara Dale on Thursday, August 2, 2018, from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM. The branch manager is Julie Johnson, (410) 396-6099

For more information please contact Jim Considine at or call (410) 220-8802.

Results of Poll-Roland Avenue Options

At the July 11th meeting of the Roland Park Civic League Board the following presentation RPCL Poll Results-July, 2018 was shared. Please contact your Plat Rep. with any questions or concerns. Updates will continue to be posted here as further developments occur.

Roland Avenue Options Poll

Roland Ave-Public Comments due July 12th (extension)

Update June 21, 2018-The Roland Park Civic League has successfully advocated for our community and DOT has agreed to extend the feedback deadline for Roland Avenue Safety modifications to July 12, 2018.   Please send your comments to DOT ASAP. DOT-Public Comment-Form-BLANK

June 20, 2018 Agenda-Project Approval-Roland Avenue

The Baltimore City Department of Transportation (BCDoT) presented five options for correction of the current roadway design on Roland Avenue at their Thursday, June 14th Open House. Note-their deadline for individual public comment is now July 12th, extended from June 28th. A decision is expected by July 19th.

To begin implementing our project approval process, the Civic League will host a community meeting, Wednesday, June 20th at 7PM in the North Baltimore Mennonite Church, 4615 Roland Avenue (at Oakdale). Please share this news with neighbors; contact your Plat Rep. to discuss your concerns or questions (if needed, consult map for Plat boundaries).

More background

2018 Annual 4th of July Parade

Come help us celebrate in our beloved Annual Roland Park 4th of July Parade now in its 21st year, from 10AM-12Noon on Wednesday, July 4. The parade will start in front of the library with a reading of the Declaration of Independence by Delegate Sandy Rosenberg and some words from our elected officials. Then we will parade down Roland Avenue behind the local fire truck to the intersection at Upland Road. There will be ice pops for everyone, and if history is a guide, the fire trucks might even hook up a hose to the hydrant to spray us all. The Roland Park Presbyterian Church will open its doors to offer us bathrooms, water and air conditioning for those who need to cool down. Please join us in your brightest and boldest red, white and blue regalia and be sure to decorate your bikes, strollers and pets!

This year, we also plan to have commemorative T-shirt’s for sale the week before and during the parade. 100% of the proceeds will go to funding the philanthropic giving of the Civic League!!

Afterwards, please send your favorite snapshots from the event to so we can commemorate the event here on our website.

Let’s go Roland Park!

Clarification-DoT Meeting Format June 14-Roland Avenue

June 13, 2018

Dear Neighbors,

As promised in my communication from earlier today, after speaking with Director Pourciau, I have some updates and clarifications on the meeting format tomorrow evening on Roland Avenue Safety at RPEMS from 6-7:30PM.

After signing in, you will be provided with meeting instructions. It will be an open house format with six stations to circulate through.  Two stations will have all the information on the proposed modifications including one option that DoT believes strikes a balance between costs and meeting safety concerns, three stations with detailed scenarios to supply data on the pros and cons of the different proposals, and one station providing definitions of bicycle infrastructure.  They plan to have 2 to 3 DoT personnel at each station to answer your questions.  The Director also plans to circulate with some of her other staff fielding questions and providing answers.  At 6:45PM there will be time for remarks on the proposed options.  The meeting will conclude promptly at 7:30PM.

Since this is a public meeting, the DoT does give the standard option of sending in mail, email, and comment cards as feedback. Please also keep in mind that the Roland Park Civic League has a robust and open and transparent Policy Approval policy where we will plan to meet over the next few weeks and ultimately vote on how we would like the DoT to proceed, and communicate that directly to the Director and Councilwoman Middleton.  I am confident that if we tune out the external rhetoric and have an evidenced-based, data-driven discourse we can find consensus as a community and gain the support of Councilwoman Middleton in delivering our message to the DoT.  We are not actually that far off from gaining consensus; a safer Roland Avenue for all users has always been our primary objective.  And it remains so.

See you tomorrow night!


Robert Connors
President, Roland Park Civic League