Several years ago, Roland Park resident Al Copp started a program to increase and improve the aging tree canopy in Roland Park. Working with Baltimore City, the Roland Park Civic League and the Community Foundation, Al established a program to plant free trees in the neighborhood. Sadly, we lost Al Copp to illness earlier this year, but at his request the program continues. I am happy to announce that the Roland Park Landscape Committee, working with Baltimore City and the Department of Forestry, has been able to secure additional trees to plant in Roland Park.
A selection of “street trees” as well as lovely ornamental trees has just arrived and are available, for FREE, to Roland Park residents who pay full fees. If you are not sure if this applies to you, please contact Beth Adams in the Roland Park office. If you haven’t paid full fees but are willing to do so starting with the current billing cycle, you can apply for a tree.
The “street trees” are a selection of hardy shade trees, mostly maples and oaks that stay within the spirit of the original Olmstead Plan. Selected because they are native to Maryland and tolerant of our soil and climate, these trees will add beauty and interest to our streetscape. These trees are for planting in the verge, the grassy area between the street and sidewalk. They could also be planted on your personal property but within sight of the street so that, as the tree matures, its canopy can be viewed from the street. The verge can be a tough place for a tree, with parking, pollution, trash and neglect. If you have a spot on your personal property near the street for the tree, it may live a longer, fuller life.
I was also able to secure a selection of ornamental trees for planting on personal property. These trees, mainly Redbuds and Pink Dogwoods, are smaller in size when mature and are better for adding beauty to your property rather than trying to survive as a street tree. These trees are also FREE to full dues paying residents.
To apply for a tree or receive additional information, please email Kate Culotta krculotta@msn.com. I will send you information with pictures and descriptions of available trees. Supplies are limited and will be filled in the order they are received. A member of the landscape committee will need to approve the planting site before your order is confirmed. Once approved, street trees will be planted by our landscape contractor K&C
Groundworks. Ornamental trees can be picked up or delivered and will come with planting instructions.
All new tree owners must agree to care for the new tree. All new trees must be deeply watered each week, whether by nature or by hand, for the first 2 years until they are established. Trees need to be kept mulched, weeded and trash free. If you live in deer browsing area, protect tender tree trunks and lower limbs from damage. Trunk wraps, temporary wire fencing and other items to protect landscape from wildlife are available from any home and garden retailer. Living among the trees is one of the best things about living in Roland Park. I hope to receive many inquiries and plant a lot of trees!
Roland Park Landscape Committee: Kate Culotta krculotta@msn.com
Roland Park Office Manager:Beth Adams office@rolandpark.org (410) 464-2525