March Meeting of the Civic League is this Wednesday, March 1st at 7PM

The Civic League will meet this Wednesday, March 1st at 7PM for their monthly meeting.  All are welcome!  Meetings take place in person in the basement meeting space at the Presbyterian Church (4801 Roland Avenue).  Meeting agenda and Zoom link below.

Agenda is here

Zoom link is here (note there is a passcode: RPCL)


Civic League Meeting Minutes- December 2022

Meeting Minutes for the December 7, 2022 Civic League session can be found here (Note: the meeting agenda appears first, followed by the pages of the minutes)


February Civic League Meeting Wednesday, February 1st at 7PM

Join the Roland Park Civic League Board at their monthly meeting.  Everyone is welcom!.  In person or via Zoom. Wednesday, Feb 1st, 7PM at the Presbyterian Church (4801 Roland Avenue).

Meeting agenda is here

Zoom link is here (*note the passcode is RPCL)

Santa is Coming to Town! December 18th, 11AM!!

Santa is coming back to cruise around the Roland Park community! As is the (2 yr!) tradition, he will ride on a vintage fire truck, thanks to the Maryland Fire Museum and the generosity of a local family. The Santa visit is Sunday, December 18th, starting at 11AM.  Raindate is Saturday, December 17th at 11AM.

Keep checking social media for any Santa-related updates, and by all means, be good!

Here is the route map (it’s the same as last year, so if you had a favorite spot, go back to it!)

December Civic League Meeting Tomorrow 12/7 at 7PM!

The Civic League board will meeting tomorrow 12/7 at 7PM for the monthly meeting.  In-person at the Roland Park Presbyterian Church or via Zoom if you prefer.  Everyone is welcome!  Our state delegates are coming by, plus there is a lot going on in the community to update you on!

Meeting agenda is here

Zoom link is here


Civic League Monthly Meeting this Wednesday, November 2nd, 7PM!

The monthly meeting of the Civic League will take place in person (with Zoom option) on Wednesday, November 2nd starting at 7PM.  Presbyterian Church in basement meeting space. All are welcome to attend!

Meeting agenda is here

Zoom link:

Topic: RPCL November 2 Meeting
Time: Nov 2, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 998 1287 0662
Passcode: RPCL




October Civic League Meeting: Wednesday 10/5 7PM! RPEMS Principal Amanda Brown to Speak

The monthly meeting of the Civic League is Wednesday, October 5th at 7PM.  Roland Park Presbyterian Church (4801 Roland Avenue).  All are welcome to attend!

Amanda Brown, RPEMS Principal will present updates from the school!

Here’s the Zoom link. No password needed:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 986 9627 4766
Meeting agenda is here

Morgan State President Dr. David Wilson to Speak at the Wednesday, September 7th Roland Park Civic League Meeting at 7PM

Please join the Civic League in welcoming Dr. Wilson as part of our “In the Community” monthly highlights.  Dr. Wilson, who has more than 30 years of experience in higher education, will be joining us at the beginning of the Civic League’s meeting to discuss recent developments at Morgan State and his continuing passion and commitment to Maryland’s preeminent public urban research university.  Morgan State recently established a new School of Global Journalism and Communication and is in the process of completing over $1 billion construction projects on campus. During Dr. Wilson’s tenure, Morgan has elevated its research classification to a R2, which is reserved for doctoral universities with high research activity, improved Morgan’s student retention rate, and completed a fundraising anniversary campaign, the largest in Morgan’s history.  Morgan currently offers 140 academic programs providing degrees from baccalaureate to doctorate and is among the nation’s most diverse Historically Black Colleges and Universities and the largest one in Maryland.   We look forward to hearing from Dr. Wilson about his passion for education and collaboration with communities and higher learning institutions.

Meeting will be held at the Roland Park Presbyterian Church, 4801 Roland Avenue.  Dr. Wilson will speak at 7PM.  This is an in-person meeting with Zoom link available. Monthly Civic League meeting will follow.

More on Dr. Wilson here

Meeting Agenda here

Zoom link:

Topic: Roland Park Civic League Monthly Meeting
Time: Sep 7, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 937 5613 1870
Passcode: RPCL
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Meeting ID: 937 5613 1870