Important Update-June 14 DoT Meeting on Roland Avenue

June 13, 2018

Dear fellow Roland Park residents,

Thursday evening June 14th there is an important meeting for our community with DOT regarding the safety and design of Roland Avenue. I encourage all concerned residents to attend, listen intently, and ask questions.

DOT has provided a brief format and agenda which includes a time for open discussion while circulating through stations to see the options up close and review the pros and cons with a DOT official. This agenda format was only provided to us late Wednesday afternoon, and we have several questions about it that we plan to address with the Director of the DOT today, and will forward updates as soon as we get them.

In preparation for this meeting, I would encourage everyone to go to our website and review the extensive work done by the Civic League and its numerous volunteer residents who have spent the last 2 years compiling and reviewing data and national best practices. This has obviously been an emotional time for our community, but a solution cannot come from opinion alone.  So, it’s time to harness that passion and energy into asking the difficult questions that will certainly come up tomorrow night.  I think the best way to ask those questions is to be prepared with data that supports that energy and passion so we can maintain a civil discourse.  Shouting down speakers and interrupting presentations does not allow for residents to hear the information being presented and ask their questions.  It also runs the very real risk that this public meeting will be shut down abruptly before we have had a chance to hear the information we need to move forward.

Tomorrow night’s meeting will not be the end of this discussion. I have been assured by Director Pourciau and Councilwoman Middleton that The Roland Park Civic League and its entire membership will be given an opportunity to consider the proposals by using our new Project Approval process after tomorrow night’s meeting. Roland Park has always met its challenges together.  In any consensus building, it is understood that not everyone gets everything they want.  But we can be assured that if we work together as neighbors we can find a solution that we can be proud of.  We have done it numerous times before, because we take our role as stewards of this beautifully designed neighborhood very seriously.  Let’s meet this latest challenge as we have in the past, with civility and common purpose, and create a safer Roland Avenue for generations to come.

See you tomorrow evening,


Robert Connors
President, Roland Park Civic League

DoT Public Meeting -Roland Avenue Cycle Track – June 14

The Baltimore City Department of Transportation has announced a new Public Meeting on the Roland Avenue Cycle Track to take place on Thursday, June 14th from 6-7:30 at Roland Park Elementary/Middle School, 5207 Roland Avenue.

Civic League meeting June 6th – revised start time

The June meeting of the Roland Park Civic League will be held on Wednesday, June 6th at the North Baltimore Mennonite Church, 4615 Roland Avenue.  The meeting time has been changed to a 7:30PM start due to a conflict with a Roland Park Community Foundation event.

Annual Meeting May 22, 2018-Agenda, Minutes, Policies, Proxies, Slate of Nominees (revised)

Announcement of Civic League Annual Meeting
Election of Directors and Officers

April 18, 2018

Dear Roland Park Civic League Members and Residents:

I am pleased to announce the annual meeting of the general membership of the Roland Park Civic League will take place on Tuesday, May 22, 2018 beginning promptly at 7:00 p.m. in the multi- purpose room at the Roland Park Elementary/Middle School. Doors will open at 6:30p for check-in, refreshments and a little live music. In the spirit of participative democracy, all Civic League members are encouraged to attend, and all interested Roland Park residents are invited. Among our responsibilities at this meeting will be the election of officers and plat representatives for the 2018-2019 term. A slate of officers and directors proposed by our nominating committee is enclosed with this letter. Additional nominations may be made from the floor.

Following introductions, we will conduct the election of officers and plat representatives. We will then hear a few words from our elected officials in attendance.

The Board of the Civic League will report on their significant activities for the past year and goals for the coming year. The Treasurer will provide a financial update and we’ll hear from the Roland Park Community Foundation, the Maintenance Committee, the newly formed Events Committee and we’ll present the current status of the Greater Roland Park Master Plan.

At last year’s annual meeting, we told you that committees had been formed to work on a project approval process, a communications policy and an ethics policy. All three are complete and we will provide detail on the finished products. We will also give you an update on the proposed development at Falls Road and Northern Parkway—the Overlook at Roland Park.

The evening will culminate with a follow up to the April 12th DOT meeting concerning safety on Roland Avenue and the RPCL request for the restoration of curbside parking with wider, safer bike lanes. Michelle Pourciau, the Director of the Department of Transportation, will be present to offer updated thoughts. Unlike the meeting at St. David’s, this is not an opportunity for us to voice opinions. We will, however, give you specific guidance on whom to contact with issues or concerns.

Those general members of the Roland Park Civic League whose dues are current are entitled to vote on Board nominations and any other business addressed at our annual meeting. If you have not paid your Civic League dues you will have the opportunity to pay by cash or check at the meeting. We look forward to seeing you on May 22nd.


Hap Cooper
President, Roland Park Civic League

Minutes of 2017 Annual Meeting (posted 5/15/18)
Standing Policies
Slate of Nominees (revised)
Standing Rules

Roland Ave Traffic Incident Reporting online

At the monthly board meeting of Roland Park Civic League on March 7, 2018 it was agreed to launch online traffic incident reporting for Roland Avenue. Please participate in this effort and share the link with others to facilitate aggregate data collection of past and future traffic incidents, which will be shared with Baltimore City Department of Transportation (BCDOT).

Roland Ave Traffic Incident Report
jotform 73096601282152


Save the Date-May 22, 2018 Annual Membership Meeting

Mark your calendars and plan to attend the annual membership meeting of the Roland Park Civic League on Tuesday evening May 22, 2018 from 7-9PM in the auditorium of the Roland Park Elementary/Middle School, 5207 Roland Avenue. All residents are welcome to attend. Dues paying members are entitled to vote on our nominees for Officers and Plat Reps. Watch your mail in the next week for an official invitation that will include a slate of nominated candidates. Please remind your neighbors, too! (Note- this date has been changed from the earlier notice of May 16th)

April 12, 2018 BCDOT Presentation on Roland Avenue

The Baltimore City Department of Transportation’s presentation materials on Roland Avenue from the April 12, 2018 public meeting are now available. Additional follow-up is expected at the Annual Membership Meeting on May 22nd.


BCDOT-Update-Display Boards-4_12_18

For background details see: Roland Avenue Update-BCDoT Letter 1/23/18,
Cycle Track Committee



Free Trees for Spring Planting

Roland Park Residents:

It is time for Spring 2018 tree planting. If you are a Roland Park Resident who pays full fees and dues and are up-to-date with your dues, you may apply for a free tree. The trees will be planted by K&C Groundworks, our community landscape maintenance company. Those interested should contact Kate Culotta by email ( or by phone [410 804-4750]. There will be a site visit by a member of the Landscape Committee before final approval. The number of available trees is limited and is scheduled on a first come basis. The following trees should be available for planting later in April. This program is made possible by a joint venture by Roland Park Community Foundation, Roland Park Landscape Committee and Baltimore City Department of Forestry.

Shade Trees for planting along the street verge or on personal property within view of street
Nuttal Oak
Chinquapin Oak
White Oak
Black Oak
Red Maples
American Linden
Black Gum
American Hornbeam (Can thrive in shade)
Details and care guidance for shade trees

Ornamental Trees for planting on personal property
Eastern Redbud
Flowering Dogwood
Flowering Cherry
White Fringe
PawPaw (fruit bearing and shade loving)
Details and care guidance for ornamental trees


Flowering Cherry


Black Gum Shade Tree

Thurs. April 12, 2018 Roland Avenue Public Meeting

Thursday April 12, 2018 is the new date for a public meeting concerning Roland Avenue being held by the Baltimore City Department of Transportation (BCDOT) at St. David’s Church, 4700 Roland Avenue from 5:00-7:00PM. (Note-this meeting was originally scheduled March 20, 2018 but postponed due to snow)


For background, see:



To be rescheduled-Tues. March 20, 2018 Roland Ave Public Meeting

TO BE RESCHEDULED due to inclement weather and dangerous road conditions.

Save the Date to attend a public meeting concerning Roland Avenue being held by Baltimore City Department of Transportation (BCDOT) on Tuesday, March 20, 2018 at Roland Park Elementary/Middle School (RPEMS), 5207 Roland Avenue from 6:00-8:00PM. Further details will be shared when available.
